I have been having such issues with my self-confidence lately. It has been so weird. My whole life I have always been a self-confident person. I have always felt confident in my abilities, and have felt smart. Not like genius smart, but intelligent. (I can already tell this blog entry is going to be a stretch because I don’t want to come across as sounding full of myself in any way.) I have always had issues with self-esteem…but my self-confidence has always been solid. Not lately…I guess I would say the last 2 years in particular have been really hard. It seems to get worse each day that passes.
My 10 year high school reunion is coming up a year from October. I have been prepping for this since the day I left high school. You know how every senior class votes for people to be “Most Likely to Succeed” or “Best Couple” or “Best Eyes”. I was nominated “Most Likely to Succeed”. I was THRILLED! I guess they voted for me because I was student body president, captain of the swim team, vice president of the Spanish club, FCA, Aquatics Club, etc. Basically accolades GALLORE. THE OVERACHEIVER. Therefore I knew I would spend the next 10 years SUCCEEDING to prove to everyone that I was successful. I mean I had to live up to it…right?!? And the first 5 years out of high school I was doing great! President of my sorority, Head New Student Orientation Counselor (a coveted role at my college), etc. I volunteered for SEVERAL organizations. Then I graduated…and moved to Nashville to work for the Christian Music Industry, before I started my real career. (I thought working for a record label would be such a fluff job…boy was I wrong!) My plan was to be here for 3 years, then continue with my career in broadcast news. (That’s what my major was.) At the 3 year mark…I had met Steve. So all the plans of going back to California diminished. And I’m okay with it…but it sure threw a wrench in MY plans. And then there’s my job. I like it…I love it…I DO…most of the time. And I love Flicker, everything we stand for and our artists. But being the radio promoter (and over-achiever by nature) it has taken a toll on the ego. No…not ego…much worse…self-confidence and self-worth. I go to other radio promoter’s offices (including my husband’s), and there are #1 plaques EVERYWHERE. Or they can rattle off…I have 21 #1’s. And they have been doing this half as long as me. What do I have to show for my 5 years…NOTHING! A BIG GOOSE EGG. You might as well stamp the big L on my forehead…because I’m a LOSER. Sometimes I’m tempted to tell future artists…”DON’T SIGN WITH FLICKER IF YOU WANT A #1 AT RADIO…BECAUSE I’M SURE I WILL SCREW IT UP”. Wait…what happened to the Student Body President who could do ANYTHING????? I know life isn’t about accolades and resume builders and #1 plaques…and maybe I put too much stock in those things. Maybe God led me to Flicker to teach me just that. But I just can’t get myself to be okay with it. And instead of being okay with it…I feel less and less intelligent each day. Less and less confident. Less and less creative. Less and less full of life. Instead of being the adventurer full of life…I’m the homebody who might be content going unnoticed. And I don’t like it. I WANT THE ME THAT WAS 5 YEARS AGO TO COME BACK. I would be more fun…people would like me better…I would have more friends. I would be more open…?!?!?!? Maybe. The less confident I feel about myself…the less I want to share of myself with others. Some days there are glimpses of that girl. And I feel SO ALIVE…and so confident…but then she goes away.
I’m so scared to go back to my 10 year reunion as a failure. And right now…that is what I would be. I expected to be well on my way to being the next Katie Couric or Sam Ryan. Now I don’t even think I could do it because my self-confidence is so beaten up. And the sands of time are slipping through the hour glass…oh…so…quickly. I have 17 months to make something of myself. SO WHAT DO I DO???? I NEED TO FIGURE IT OUT! I have always been so great at figuring it out…so great at planning my life. And I know God’s plan is better than mine…but God…SHOW ME WHAT TO DO. I have a megaphone to my ear trying so desperately to hear you. But there has been nothing but silence for 2 years. I have 17 months…DO SOMETHING! I know it’s stupid. I’m sure some of you think I should just not go to my reunion. Or tell me it doesn’t matter. And chances are (even though I wouldn’t want to admit it out loud), I’m sure 99.9% of the people there...meaning everyone but me…won’t even remember that I was the most likely to succeed. BUT IT MATTERS TO ME. Ugh…and the journey continues.