My Hiding Place
Did you ever have a hiding place as a kid? I did. It was in the upstairs linen closet. I would climb on the top shelf and hide behind the blankets. No one would ever find me there. I would go there to just be by myself. I thought I had so much to get away from...when really I didn't have a care in the world. These days I wish I had a cool hiding place where no one could find me. But the only thing that comes close is in the bathroom at work. I just go and sit in a stall...and listen to the silence. Most the times it is really quiet with just the hum of the overhead fan. I just stare at the back of the stall door and sit...and listen...and be. To get away. Technically I know my problems follow me in there...but sometimes they just melt away as the fan hums. I will usually think of the color black...or a black hole...and all of it's nothingness. It's soothing. But after a couple of minutes...I realize I better come back out before people start thinking I am homesick (**note - homesick is a codeword for diarrhea**). The bathroom isn't quite as cool as the linen closet...but it will do for now. One day I will find my linen closet...and my peace.