The Inevitable Quest...

A place for me to be me...while searching for who I want to be

Friday, March 10, 2006

Randumb Ramblings 3.10.06

*I haven’t written in awhile…it’s been an interesting couple of weeks. I don’t really want to go into it.

*I was very sad that Gideon went home last night on American Idol. I personally think Kevin should have gone home…Gideon can out-sing him ANY day of the week. I think that Gideon didn’t get as many votes because he went first.

*Wellness Fact: Research shows that for every hour spent exercising aerobically, you can add 2 hours to your life!

*I had a very random dream. This one is for my girl Hula Seventy. She rocks the Photobooth Fridays. This dream just HAD to have come to fruition because of Photobooth Fridays. Well…this past weekend…I had a dream that I was in line for a photobooth. I was waiting for awhile and was thinking about all the poses I could do. Then it was finally my turn! I got into the photobooth, and I had money…but not the right kind of money. I had dollars, a couple of quarters, and a bunch of other change. Well, this photobooth took quarters only…4 of them that had to be put in at the same time. I only had 2! So I was looking all around the photobooth for some quarters for what had to have been a half an hour (and why no one complained that I was taking so long is beyond me). Finally I exited the photobooth (on the other side from where the line was) and ran away in embarrassment and anger. And that was it. Random…I KNOW!!!

*Snack of the week: Yoplait Light Yogurt with pretzel sticks broken up mixed in. It’s only 3 points…and adds a whole new texture to your yogurt! I was getting to the place where I was kind of tired of yogurt, but this has totally changed everything!

*This week we have heard new music from our brand new band Fireflight. It is SOOO GOOD!!!! Whenever they post new music on myspace…I will have to link it. It’s chick-fronted rock…and it definitely ROCKS!

*Are there any OC fans out there? **Spoiler…if you didn’t watch The OC last night…don’t read the rest of this bullet point!** I don’t know about you…but I couldn’t believe that Ryan and Marissa broke up the way that they did. For all that they have been thru…they just seemed to give up too easily. I didn’t get it! Surely this isn’t the end. It would have had to have been BIG…and DRAMATIC if it were for good…RIGHT?!?!?!?!

*Random AJ Fact: Before my husband Steve…I never had a “Boyfriend”. I dated guys…but never anything so serious that I would have introduced them as my boyfriend. I consider myself lucky! And heck…I ended up with the man that was perfect for me! Now I can see it as a win-win situation. When I was 21 and never had a boyfriend…I used to be mad or sad or whatever. But God ultimately knew what was best for me! And I can honestly say I have never shed a tear over a dumb boy!

*It feels like spring today. Sunny…gorgeous…70 degrees…no humidity…it feels like California…it’s PERFECT! I needed the sun today. Yesterday I was reminded how much I despise Thunderstorms!

*I love the Oscars! So this past Sunday night was fun…even though I hadn’t seen more than half the movies that were nominated. I just love everything about the Oscars. One day I hope to go. Anyways, I really liked the movie Crash…and I cheered LOUDLY when they won movie of the year. It makes me sad that everyone else is all up in arms that Brokeback didn’t win. It’s one thing if they were upset that Brokeback didn’t win…but how all these people questioned the integrity of the Oscars because Crash won. LAME!!!! Sore Losers.

*Tomorrow I am going to a Spa Party hosted by my sweet friend Karina. I have never been to a spa party…but I’m SO READY to be pampered…BRING…IT…ON!!!! Have a great weekend!


  • At Friday, March 10, 2006 7:21:00 PM, Blogger lulu said…

    oh my goodness...can i come too??? that sounds soooo wonderful! i have never heard of a spa party but we need to get some going here in atlanta!

    i think the brokeback folks are sore losers too. whaaaa! sometimes there are upsets. deal with it!

    and that kevin guy ought to have been out of it before now--gedeon is great! he's a throwback to the old school! its a shame!

  • At Saturday, March 11, 2006 12:59:00 PM, Blogger saraiwithani said…

    I am SOOOO feeling your comment on Gedeon!!! I was always s HUGE fan of his, and was SUPER sad to see him go...especially when Kevin AND Bucky got to stay. CRAZY! I loved the fact, though, that Gedeon COMPLETELY ROCKED MY FACE OFF when he sang for the last time. It was like he said "Take that, you stinkin' people who didn't vote for me!!" HA!

  • At Tuesday, March 14, 2006 3:16:00 PM, Blogger meridith said…

    i want to go to a spa party!! what is a spa party?

    and right on about the sore losers. crash is an amazing movie.

  • At Friday, March 17, 2006 7:37:00 PM, Blogger andrea said…

    girl, that's such a funny FUNNY dream... I wonder what it means? you get props for dreaming about a photobooth, for reals. :)

    (unrelated, yes-- but I can't help saying this: can't wait to meet you in person!)


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